Org Details

ISWT - Ad Vitam Aeternam


Syndicate / Security / Regular

ISWT was founded back in January 2013, and our community has been growing since. As more members join our Organization, we continuously evolve our main mission… which is to create a unified friendly environment, for our members and their friends to immerse themselves into the legend that will be Star Citizen. Most members of ISWT are veteran pilots and huge flight simulator fans. ISWT was in fact born from the ashes of an another (now defunct) organisation that focused on DCS World, but when Star Citizen was announced – all changed.

We believe in Democracy. We do not have a leader, but do have in fact a selected number of individuals that are elected by members of the organisation. Officers can candidate for a position in any branch of the Organization.
At the end of the day, we do strongly believe in meritocracy.

List of Members




Fleet Admiral



The following are the organizations you currently allied with. Organizations within this list can take part in multi-org events.

The Theramorian Raiders


Syndicate/Regular/Bounty Hunting


Organization Fleet

Ships currently available to the organization.
Quantum Lounge

Quantum Lounge

Area reserved for Members Only


Post Message

Organization Calendar

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